Writing Project: LifeChange Ephesians
The other day, I mentioned that I just wrapped up a major writing project, but I never shared any details about my latest work. In January, I commenced writing eight lessons for the LifeChange Ephesians series, published by NavPress. Basically, NavPress enlisted me to write group sessions to go along with a previously published Bible study on Ephesians {pictured above}.
I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to walk slowly through the entire book of Ephesians. I realize that I'm biased, but I think it's a fantastic resource for a small group that wants to dive deeply into Scripture together. The study divides the book of Ephesians into 14 sessions, with a learner's book for participants to work through at home and lessons to work through as a group. I worked on the latter part, and now it's available for purchase.
If you're searching for a study that takes a focused look at individual books of the Bible, the LifeChange Series is the way to go, and, of course, you should definitely start with Ephesians.
Until next time, grace and peace.