
ec Mag: Authentic Faith

It's always a pleasant surprise to receive advance copies of my work in the mail, and Saturday was no exception. I opened a package containing three copies of the February 2012 issue of ec magazine. I love writing for ec, not just because my friend Mandy is a its fantastic editor, but also because it's a great devotional resource for teens who are serious about their faith. Enter February's issue.


If you can't tell from the cover, the issue's theme is living out the faith we confess. I contributed the introduction on Authentic Faith, which compares surface-level Christianity with the kind of faith that changes lives.


Here's a little excerpt from the article to whet your appetite:

"We live in a Christian nation. At least, that's the label we've given ourselves, but in many cases, we are Christians in name only. In no area is this truer than the Bible Belt, where good boys and girls faithfully attend church with their parents and say grace over Sunday lunch every week. They go to church, sing hymns, and even pray on occasion, but it's all a façade. Their faith is practically nonexistent, and it's evident in the choices they make."


You may purchase the February 2012 issue of ec online from LifeWay. If your church has a subscription, you should see some copies in magazine racks soon.

Until next time, grace and peace.