Holy Week Day 7: Holy Saturday

Reflections on the walk to the cross during Holy Week via Leslie Ann Jones.

(download your free Holy Week reading guide here)

Suggested Readings: Isaiah 52:13-15Isaiah 53, and Luke 23:56

On Holy Saturday, not much happened...that we know of, at least. Since it was the Jewish Sabbath, all activity came to a grinding halt, and Jesus' followers had to wait until the next day to properly prepare his body for burial.

Every time I think about that day, I can't help but wonder what those closest to Jesus were thinking and feeling. He had told them quite explicitly that the Son of Man would die and rise on the third day, but given their behavior that weekend, it's pretty clear that they didn't understand exactly what Jesus meant.

Their own words serve as evidence: "Jesus of Nazareth was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people...we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel." (Luke 24:18-21)

Did you notice that? They used past tense. They acted as if all of their hopes had died right alongside Jesus on that cross. Saturday must have been a day of overwhelming grief and confusion. How could it have been anything else?

Can you imagine? Even though I try, I can't even begin to comprehend the depth of their sorrow, because I always have the end of the story in sight. It changes everything.

But we can't get to Sunday until we go through Saturday. And so, on this Holy Saturday, as we wait for the dawn of a new day, let's give glory to the One who bore our griefs and carried our sorrows far, far away. 

Sunday is coming. 

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