Leslie Ann Jones

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What a Long Day

Sigh. It's been a long day, y'all. The good news is that Micah slept for 11 and a half hours last night. The bad news is that I did not. I didn't go back to sleep during Micah's morning nap, either. I've been productive today, adding new invitations and cards to Senojal Designs and filling orders. All of that's good, but it sure does wear me out. And I don't feel like cooking supper. But I didn't feel like cooking supper last night either, so tonight, I really ought to cook something, even if it's just hot dogs. But wait, we're out of hot dogs. Cheese & crackers, anyone?

Do you ever have days like these? Days where you get all sorts of things accomplished, but you're so worn out by the end of them that you can't enjoy your work.

That's today for me.

Which is why this post is so short and pointless. I am fulfilling my duty to post, per the challenge, but this time, I just lack meaningful content.

Sorry about that.

Until next time, grace and peace.