Muscadine Press

LAJ + Amazima Ministries = Lives Changed in Uganda

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Hello friends! I have some really exciting news to share with you. I've been itching to tell you about this for weeks, but I just got the details nailed down a few days ago. When God gave me the vision for Leslie Ann Jones Ministries, he also laid on my heart a conviction that the LAJ shop would be more than a for-profit business. He made it very clear to me that a portion of shop proceeds would go to missions, and I've spent the past several months searching for the perfect partnership.

Today, I'm happy to announce that Leslie Ann Jones Ministries/Muscadine Press will donate 10 percent of ALL shop profits to Amazima. Amazima is a ministry dedicated to living out the love of Jesus by educating and empowering the people of Uganda and the communities in which they serve. Founded in 2008 by Katie Davis Majors, author of Kisses from Katie, Amazima offers hope and life to those who need it most. In addition to providing education and meals for hundreds of area children, Amazima also provides vocational instruction for adults. The women's beading circle has allowed 31 women to rewrite their stories, and the farming project has provided both sustenance and a means of income for local families. Every single outreach of Amazima Ministries, whether education sponsorship, feeding the hungry, vocational instruction, or medical care, is accompanied with Biblical teaching and spiritual encouragement.

If you stop by Muscadine Press, you'll notice a "Giving" tab at the top of the page. As time goes on, I'll update that page with stats on how much we've given to date and how that money is being used in Uganda. For example: did you know that it only takes $0.17 to provide a meal for a child in Uganda? That means that the purchase of just one Dwell Journal = six meals for hungry kids. 

I'm so excited about this partnership I can't hardly stand it! When the shop opens on Monday (just a few days away!), know that your purchases make a difference. Buying a journal or mug for yourself will also buy food, clothing, and medical supplies for people who need it most.

Be sure to check back in on Monday for Launch Day specials! Hope to see you then!

Until next time, grace and peace.