I realize that 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon isn't the best time to update a blog, but it's a testimony to the busy-ness of life lately that I'm just now getting around to it. Don't let all my talk fool you; it hasn't been all work and no play. Micah makes sure that we get some play time in, preferably outside, every day, and I thought I'd share a little bit of what we've been doing by letting the pictures tell the story. So, without further ado: Micah's latest hijinks.

Back when it was really cold and I was running outside, I used this Mississippi State toboggan to keep my ears warm. Micah found it one morning and insisted on wearing it for the remainder of the day. Go Bulldogs!

We love reading books around here, and honestly, nothing thrills my heart more than seeing Micah "reading" a pile of her favorites. Love it!

We also have lots of tea parties. If you're really good, Micah will share with you. But only if you're good.

It's probably sad that my child knows what to do with a nose sucker and voluntarily uses it on herself. I'm not sure what that says about us, but there you have it.

Micah has recently developed a love for coloring, and so far, she's managed to keep it on the paper. We'll see how long that lasts.

There's no doubt that my little lady is a girl on the go. She LOVES the little car she got for Christmas, and she's constantly clamoring to go outside. Which, by the way, is what she was doing in the next picture.

She knows where all of her outdoor gear is, and every morning, without fail, she brings me pieces of it. She insists on wearing her hat, shoes, and jacket, then she'll toddle over to the door and say "bye-bye." As if we're going outside. Sometimes we do go out, but others, she settles for getting ready to go and taking a ride inside.

Seriously. Could there be anything cuter than this little girl? I don't think so.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Until next time, grace and peace.