Look Away to Thee

O Lord, I have heard a good word inviting me to look away to Thee and be satisfied. Tozer
"O Lord, I have heard a good word inviting me to look away to Thee and be satisfied. My heart longs to respond, but sin has clouded my vision till I see Thee but dimly. Be pleased to cleanse me in Thine own precious blood, and make me inwardly pure, so that I may with unveiled eyes gaze upon Thee all the days of my earthly pilgrimage. Then shall I be prepared to behold Thee in full splendor in the day when Thou shalt appear to be glorified in Thy saints and admired in all them that believe. Amen."

A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

To All The Women Who Have Loved Me Well

Christian author and speaker Leslie Ann Jones with her daughters.

These two love me so well. I'm so glad that God saw fit to make them mine. Happy Mother's Day, y'all! As I think about mothering these two little ladies and helping them grow into the women that God has created them to be, I'm reminded of the precious women who did the same for me.

On this Mother's Day, I'm thankful not just for my mama and my mother-in-law, but also for all the women who have loved me and shaped me over the years. I had the sweet privilege of teaching an older ladies' Sunday school class this morning. After class one of the women (who happened to be my assistant second grade teacher) came up to me and spoke some encouragement over me. It blessed my heart in big ways.

The truth is that I wouldn't be who I am without the influence of the countless godly women who have "mothered" me throughout my life. I've been so blessed by their encouragement and wisdom, and I can't imagine how I would have turned out if they hadn't taken the time to pour into me. The Lord certainly knew what he was doing when he brought us together.

Who are you thankful for today? Who has loved you well and "mothered" you over the years?

Until next time, grace and peace.

He Is Good

He is Good by Leslie Ann Jones

It's been a little dreary around here over the past few days...I mean that both literally and spiritually.

I've had a lot on my mind. Lots of thoughts swirling around and clouding my vision. Nagging insecurities, uncertainties, and fears have tried to steal the light from my skies.

But the sun is there even when it's hard to see. And God is good all the time. When the sun shines and when the rain falls. He is good.

I snapped this photo earlier today as I dropped the girls off for an afternoon on the farm with Gran, and every time I look at it, I remember that with Christ, there is peace. There is truth. There is hope. And that is what I'm clinging to today.

Until next time, sweet friends, grace and peace.